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The Easternmost House

Juliet Blaxland

The Easternmost House by Juliet Blaxland


Shortlisted for the Wainwright Golden Beer Book Prize!

Shortlisted for the East Anglian Book Award 2019!

If you enjoyed Raynor Winn’s The Salt Path, Amy Liptrot’s The Outrun, Chris Packham’s Fingers in the Sparkle Jar or Helen MacDonald’s H is for Hawk, you’ll love The Easternmost House.

Within the next few months, Juliet Blaxland’s home will be demolished, and the land where it now stands will crumble into the North Sea. In her numbered days living in the Easternmost House, Juliet fights to maintain the rural ways she grew up with, re-connecting with the beauty, usefulness and erratic terror of the natural world.

The Easternmost House is a stunning memoir, describing a year on the Easternmost edge of England, and exploring how we can preserve delicate ecosystems and livelihoods in the face of rapid coastal erosion and environmental change.

With photographs and drawings featured throughout, this beautiful little book is a perfect gift for anyone with an interest in sustainability, nature writing or the Suffolk Coast.

RRP: £9.99
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781912240548
Publication Date: 25/04/2019
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Juliet Blaxland
Juliet Blaxland is an architect, author, cartoonist and illustrator. She is the author and illustrator of twelve children’s books, and a prize-winning photographer. She grew up in a remote part...


‘Destined to be a 21st century classic. Just brilliant.’

John Lewis-Stempel, author of The Running Hare

‘A marvellous evocation of the Suffolk coast. It made me want to jump on the next train out of London.’

Andrew Gimson, author of Gimson's Kings & Queens

‘[Juliet] creates a world full of people and poetry, which we must fight to keep forever... the whole book is both touching and often very funny, and I loved the monthly food lists.’

Jilly Cooper, author of The Rutshire Chronicles

‘Brilliant memoir about nature, landscape, food and the disconnect between town and country.’

India Knight, The Sunday Times

‘ A wonderful book by an extraordinary woman.’

i Newspaper

‘Even when it has all been swallowed by the sea, the art [the Suffolk landscape] has helped create will survive - and Blaxland's book deserves a distinguished place in that company.’

The Telegraph

‘I feel like a stalker, but reading Juliet Blaxland’s The Easternmost House, I got straight into my car and drove over to stare at her home. Her wonderful book describes living on the most extreme outpost of Suffolk’s coast of erosion.’

Janice Turner, The Times

‘The author writes beautifully about her life in this small extremity... a hymn to a simpler life, one lived more in tune with the rhythms of the natural world, with its wonders and its perils.’

Country Life

‘Even when it is engulfed by the sea, Blaxland's stunning memoir will ensure her home's memory is preserved.’

Book of the week, The Courier

‘Prose that flows effortlessly with a wry turn of phrase at every corner. Plus, she’s bloody funny. In The Easternmost House you read the sound of her voice, and so the book rattles along like a good’un. ’

Caught by the River

‘A beautiful book, eloquent and evocative. Lyrical, poignant and witty, this book is a moving testament to a still enormously vibrant but vanishing time, place and way of life.’

Maggie Craig

‘Blaxland’s writing is evocative, whether she is writing about the roar of a storm, jugs of homemade Pimm’s or the attempt to create a crop circle. She has a deep love of the coastal landscape she inhabits. ’

Halfman, Halfbook blog

‘The Easternmost House an excellent read and one most deserving of its Wainwright Prize short listing.’

Dovegreyreader blog

‘Rich and evocative...’

Beyond Eden Rock blog

Latest News

The Easternmost House by Juliet Blaxland: Shortlisted for the Wainwright Prize

Congratulations to Juliet Blaxland! The Easternmost House has been shortlisted for the Wainwright Golden Beer Book Prize 2019. The Sandstone Press team is delighted for Juliet. Publisher Robert Davidson says...